What belongings to take on a trip with my cat?

Chat dans son panier

The departure with your cat is imminent! But be careful not to forget anything, the comfort of your pet is important, and his belongings will help him to settle comfortably. Petrotter is here to help you prepare for your trip, giving you a list of essential belongings for your cat.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of things to take for your pet:

  • Toys
  • Treatments and medications
  • Antiparasitic and deworming
  • Usual bed/cousin
  • Bowls (2 or 3 depending on need)
  • Transport cage (IATA standards if the animal travels in the hold of an aircraft)
  • Leash, collar, harness
  • Emergency kit
  • Papers: Passport or health book, papers required for the country of departure and destination, the transport company
  • Water
  • Food reserve depending on the length of the trip
  • Reserve of treats depending on the length of the trip
  • Litter box
  • Litter reserve depending on travel time
  • Litter garbage bag
  • Clothes for the animal if the animal needs it
  • Sunscreen
  • Brush
  • Nail cut
  • Water filter or spring water bottle in case of water too limestone at its destination

Here are some belongings examples to take based on your destination and transportation:

For example: a safety vest if you drive away, life jackets and towels if you go to the sea, protection from the cold and clothes if you go to the mountains…

Finally, don’t forget that it’s not just your cat’s travel belongings to prepare before departure. In fact, like you, your pet must also take steps, such as a visit to the vet. Petrotter has therefore created a list to help you find in our article dedicated to find directly here.



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